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Cold solvent, evaporates quickly

7 good reasons for using SOLVNET SR

  1. A high degreasing capacity. (IKB > 170): dissolves greases, oils, inks …
  2. Dries very quickly, leaves no residue on parts after treatment.
  3. Excellent stain remover on any surfaces.
  4. Dissolves most glues, adhesives …
  5. Anti-graffiti: removes graffiti on smooth surfaces effectively.
  6. Neutral: can be used on any surface as well as on most high-density plastics and elastomers. Weak odour.
  7. Practical and easy to use: can be used in spray form and in bulk.



Industry: for the degreasing of all parts in technical services such as: engines, cogs in every types of industries.

Public institutions: Remover on all surfaces: carpets, rugs, clothes, textile, tiled floor, black marks on linoleum … Eliminates the marks of glue. Schools: dissolves chewing gum.

Printing plant: removes ink on offset blankets, ink fountains, etc. …

Anti-graffiti: eliminates all types of graffiti made with paint, ink, marker pen, as well as most stains on the non-porous surfaces. Is generally applied to fragile, painted, varnished surfaces, road signs, fill-in road markings, laminate panels, Plexiglas, porcelain, enamelled and ceramic surfaces.



Profession :

Range :

Action : For degreasing machine components

See also


Cleaning and drying wipe